Διδακτικό και Ερευνητικό Προσωπικό
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Ονοματεπώνυμο: Ιωάννης Κατσανάκης |
Τίτλος: Επίκουρος Καθηγητής |
Γραφείο: 501 (Κτίριο Γρηγορίου Λαμπράκη 126) |
Τηλέφωνο: +30 210 414 2651 |
E-mail: ikatsana(-at-)unipi(-dot-)gr |
Ο Δρ. Ιωάννης Κατσανάκης είναι Επίκουρος Καθηγητής του Τμήματος Τουριστικών Σπουδών του Πανεπιστημίου Πειραιώς στο αντικείμενο της Διοίκησης Πληροφοριακών Συστημάτων σε Επιχειρήσεις και Οργανισμούς με έμφαση στη Διοίκηση Επιχειρηματικών Διεργασιών. Είναι κάτοχος Πτυχίου στην Οργάνωση και Διοίκηση Επιχειρήσεων και Μεταπτυχιακού Διπλώματος στη Διοίκηση Επιχειρήσεων – Ολική Ποιότητα από το Πανεπιστήμιο Πειραιώς. Είναι Διδάκτορας του Τμήματος Οργάνωσης και Διοίκησης Επιχειρήσεων του Πανεπιστημίου Πειραιώς στο αντικείμενο των Στρατηγικών Πληροφοριακών Συστημάτων και τη Χρήση των Νέων Τεχνολογιών στις Επιχειρήσεις, με θέμα: «Ανάπτυξη και Αξιολόγηση Πληροφοριακών Συστημάτων στις Σύγχρονες Επιχειρήσεις». Έχει διδάξει διάφορα μαθήματα προπτυχιακού και μεταπτυχιακού επιπέδου στα τμήματα Τουριστικών Σπουδών και Οργάνωσης και Διοίκησης Επιχειρήσεων του Πανεπιστημίου Πειραιώς, όπως και σε προπτυχιακά μαθήματα στο Τμήμα Βιοτεχνολογίας στο Γεωπονικό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών και στα ΠΠΣ Διοίκηση Επιχειρήσεων και Οργανισμών και Διοίκηση Τουρισμού στο Ελληνικό Ανοικτό Πανεπιστήμιο, στα αντικείμενα της διοίκησης πληροφοριακών συστημάτων, των εφαρμογών νέων τεχνολογιών στη διοίκηση επιχειρήσεων, του ψηφιακού μετασχηματισμού των επιχειρήσεων, των επιχειρηματικών προβλέψεων και των ποσοτικών μεθόδων στη λήψη επιχειρηματικών αποφάσεων. Επίσης, έχει επιβλέψει περισσότερες από 20 μεταπτυχιακές διπλωματικές εργασίες στο ΠΜΣ στη Διοίκηση Επιχειρήσεων (MBA) στο Ελληνικό Ανοικτό Πανεπιστήμιο, ενώ είναι επιβλέπων σε τρεις εν εξελίξει διδακτορικές διατριβές στο Τμήμα Τουριστικών Σπουδών του Πανεπιστημίου Πειραιώς. Τα ερευνητικά του ενδιαφέροντα επικεντρώνονται στους τομείς της εφαρμογής των νέων τεχνολογιών στις επιχειρήσεις, της στρατηγικής χρήσης των νέων τεχνολογιών από τις επιχειρήσεις, της αξιολόγησης πληροφοριακών συστημάτων, της συστημική ανάλυσης, του ηλεκτρονικού επιχειρείν, της διαχείρισης γνώσης, του e-learning, των επιχειρηματικών προβλέψεων, των ποσοτικών μεθόδων στη λήψη επιχειρηματικών αποφάσεων και των εφαρμογών τεχνικών μηχανικής μάθησης στη διοίκηση επιχειρήσεων, ενώ έχει εργαστεί σε ερευνητικά προγράμματα επιχειρηματικότητας, ΤΠΕ και e-learning στο Πανεπιστήμιο Πειραιώς.
- ΤΣΚ104. Εισαγωγή στην Πληροφορική (1ο εξάμηνο)
- ΤΣΚ202. Νέες Τεχνολογίες στον Τουρισμό (2ο εξάμηνο)
- ΤΣΚ301. Πληροφοριακά Συστήματα και Υποστήριξη Αποφάσεων για Τουριστικές Επιχειρήσεις (3ο εξάμηνο)
- ΤΣΚ404. e-Tourism και m-Tourism στο Διεθνές Περιβάλλον (4ο εξάμηνο)
- ΤΣΚ703. Επιχειρηματικές Προσομοιώσεις – Παίγνια (7ο εξάμηνο)
- ΤΣΚ513. Μέθοδοι και Εργαλεία Αντιμετώπισης της Απάτης στο Σύγχρονο Επιχειρείν (Επιλογής)
- ΤΣΚ618. Δορυφόροι Λογαριασμοί Τουρισμού – Παρατηρητήριο Βιώσιμου Τουρισμού (Επιλογής)
- ΤΣΚ625. Επιχειρηματικές Προβλέψεις (Επιλογής)
- ΤΣΚ630. Τεχνικές Ανάλυσης Δεδομένων (Επιλογής)
- ΤΣΕΡ01-02. Ερευνητική Εργασία (Επιλογής)
Δημοσιεύσεις σε Επιστημονικά Περιοδικά:
- Livas, C., Katsanakis, I., Vayia, E. (2019). “Perceived impact of BYOD initiatives on post- secondary students’ learning, behaviour and wellbeing: the perspective of educators in Greece”, Journal of Education and Information Technologies, Vol. 24, No.1, pp. 489-508 (DOI: 10.1007/s10639-018-9791-6).
- Kakaletri, G., Ntomis, D., Katsanakis, J. (2014). “Improving Employees’ Behavior and Relationship Management: A Conceptual Framework”, Archives of Economic History, Vol. XXVI, No. 1, pp. 97-114.
- Skotis, A., Katsanakis, I., Macris, A., Sfakianakis, M., (2013). “Creating Knowledge within a C- Business Context: A Customer Knowledge Management View”, Collaborative, Trusted and Privacy-Aware e/m-Services. Editors: C. Douligeris, N. Polemi, A. Karantjias & W. Lamersdorf, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Vol. 399, pp. 264-277 (DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37437-1_22).
- Katsanakis, I., Kossyva, D., (2012). “C-Business: A Theoretical Framework for the implementation of Co-opetition Strategy in E-Business”, Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 58, Issue C, pp. 260-269 (DOI: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.09.1000).
Δημοσιεύσεις σε Πρακτικά Συνεδρίων με σύστημα κριτών:
- Kostis, I., Basios, M., Chimos, K., Karvounidis, T., Douligeris, C., Katsanakis, I., (2012). “A Web 3.0 Mashup to promote the e-learning platform ‘Unibook’”, Proceedings of 11th European Conference on e-Learning (ECEL-2012), ISBN: 978-1-908272-73-7, pp. 290-298.
- Chimos, K., Karvounidis, T., Katsanakis, I., Douligeris, C., (2012). “IP.AD.: An Integrated Project Management and Instructional Systems Development Model for e-Learning”, Proceedings of 16th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI 2012), ISBN: 978-1-4673-2720-6, pp. 405-411.
- Chimos, K., Karvounidis, T., Douligeris, C., Bassios, M., Kostis, I., Katsanakis, I., Botsikas, A., (2012). “UnibookSE: An innovative environment for life-long learning”, Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL), ISBN: 978-1-4673-2427-4, DOI: 10.1109/ICL.2012.6402144.
- Katsanakis, I., Kossyva, D., (2012). “C-Business: A Theoretical Framework for the implementation of Co-opetition Strategy in E-Business”, Proceedings of 8th International Strategic Management Conference, ISBN 978–605–60771–7-3, pp. 239-245.
- Katsanakis, I., Kossyva, D., Vorria, E., (2011). “Co-opetition Strategy in Business Excellence: Confronting the Economic Crisis”, Proceedings of 14th QMOD-ICQSS Conference on Quality and Service Sciences, 29-31 August 2011, ISBN: 84-8081-211-7, pp. 949-958.
Δημοσιεύσεις σε Τιμητικούς Τόμους με σύστημα κριτών:
- Κατσανάκης, I., Σφακιανάκης, Μ. (2017). “Αξία πληροφοριακών συστημάτων & πληροφοριακής τεχνολογίας: Αποτύπωση των βασικότερων μεθόδων και πλαισίων αξιολόγησης”, Τιμητικός Τόμος Καθηγητή κ. Γεωργίου Σ. Οικονόμου, σελ. 239-261.
- Katsanakis, I., Skotis, A., Sfakianakis, M. (2014). “A Game Theory Approach to C-Business”, Essays in Honour of Professor Emmanouel Kondylis, pp. 179-194 (ISBN: 978-960-6897-05-4).
- Σφακιανάκης, Μ., Κατσανάκης, Ι., Χίμος, Κ., (2012). “Διαχρονική Ανάλυση της Χρήσης Ανανεώσιμων Πηγών”, Τιμητικός Τόμος Καθηγητή κ. Σ. Καρβούνη, σελ. 745-760.
Εργασίες σε Επιστημονικά Συνέδρια με σύστημα κριτών:
- Zouni, G., & Katsanakis (2024). “Profiling Slow Tourists and Implications for Marketing and Product Development”, 11th International Conference of the International Association of Cultural and Digital Tourism (IACuDiT) “Innovation and Creativity in Tourism, Business and Social Sciences”, 03-05 September 2024, Naxos, Greece.
- Katsanakis, I., Stroumpoulis, A. & Kopanaki, E. (2024). “A theoretical framework for validating and evaluating the TANGO platform in smart hospitality”, International Conference on Tourism (ICOT2024) “Τourism in the Era of Liquid Modernity: Rethinking Tourism Strategy and Facing Uncertainty”, 26-29 June 2024, Corfu, Greece.
- Katsanakis, I., Zouni, G. & Kournioti, M. (2024). “A quantitative evaluation of user experience in digital travel platforms”, International Conference on Tourism (ICOT2024) “Τourism in the Era of Liquid Modernity: Rethinking Tourism Strategy and Facing Uncertainty”, 26-29 June 2024, Corfu, Greece.
- Zouni, G., Katsanakis, I., Nika, M. & Mitropoulou, K. (2024). “Understanding tourists’ perception and utilization of Artificial
Intelligence”, International Conference on Tourism (ICOT2024) “Τourism in the Era of Liquid Modernity: Rethinking Tourism Strategy and Facing Uncertainty”, 26-29 June 2024, Corfu, Greece. - Bampa, V., Zouni, G. & Katsanakis, I. (2024). “A theoretical framework integrating resilience, flexibility and sustainability in tourism destinations leveraging emerging technologies”, International Conference on Tourism (ICOT2024) “Τourism in the Era of Liquid Modernity: Rethinking Tourism Strategy and Facing Uncertainty”, 26-29 June 2024, Corfu, Greece.
- Katsanakis, I., & Zouni, G. (2024). “A Quantitative Approach on the Evaluation of Travel Applications and Web Platforms”, International Scientific Conference “Innovation in the Tourism Industry in light of International Contemporary Changes”, 24-25 April 2024, New Alamein, Egypt.
- Bampa, V., Zouni, G., & Katsanakis, I. (2024). “Integrating Flexibility, Resilience, and Sustainability in Tourism Destination Ecosystems”, International Scientific Conference “Innovation in the Tourism Industry in light of International Contemporary Changes”, 24-25 April 2024, New Alamein, Egypt.
- Zouni, G., Katsanakis, I., & Kleisarchaki, I. (2024). “A Stakeholder Approach for Evaluating Carrying Capacity in Tourist Destinations”, International Scientific Conference “Innovation in the Tourism Industry in light of International Contemporary Changes”, 24-25 April 2024, New Alamein, Egypt.
- Katsanakis, I., Zouni, G. (2024). “A Theoretical Model for Digital Transformation in Tourism: Pathways to Resilience and Sustainability”, 1st INTOCUS International Conference on “Tourism and Cultural Heritage: Resilience, Sustainability, and Transformation”, 08-09 March 2024, Athens, Greece.
- Zouni, G., Katsanakis, I., Lykoudi D.-M. (2024). “The Impact of Island Festivals to the Sustainable Tourism Development of the Destinations”, 1st INTOCUS International Conference on “Tourism and Cultural Heritage: Resilience, Sustainability, and Transformation”, 08-09 March 2024, Athens, Greece.
- Bampa, V., Zouni, G., Katsanakis, I. (2024). “A Theoretical Framework for Flexibility, Resilience, and Sustainability in Tourism Destinations”, 1st INTOCUS International Conference on “Tourism and Cultural Heritage: Resilience, Sustainability, and Transformation”, 08-09 March 2024, Athens, Greece.
- Katsanakis, I. (2023). “A Theoretical Framework for Knowledge Management in Tourism Ecosystems”, 19th National and International Conference of Hellenic Society of Systemic Studies: Systemic Digital Transformation in Contemporary Business Ecosystems, 11-14 October 2023, Piraeus, Greece.
- Katsanakis, I. (2023). “Systemic Digital Transformation in Tourism: A conceptual framework”, 19th National and International Conference of Hellenic Society of Systemic Studies: Systemic Digital Transformation in Contemporary Business Ecosystems, 11-14 October 2023, Piraeus, Greece.
- Bampa, V., Zouni, G., Katsanakis, I. (2023). “Resilience and Sustainability in Contemporary Tourism Ecosystems: Developing a holistic conceptual model”, 19th National and International Conference of Hellenic Society of Systemic Studies: Systemic Digital Transformation in Contemporary Business Ecosystems, 11-14 October 2023, Piraeus, Greece.
- Stroumpoulis, A., Katsanakis, I., & Kopanaki, E. (2023). “Exploring Digital Technology and Sustainable Development Integration in a Shared Data Environment: A Conceptual Framework on the Retail Sector”, 19th National and International Conference of Hellenic Society of Systemic Studies: Systemic Digital Transformation in Contemporary Business Ecosystems, 11-14 October 2023, Piraeus, Greece.
- Mikedis, I., Katsanakis, I., & Kopanaki, E. (2023). “Analyzing the Role of ERP Systems in Achieving Sustainable Competitive Advantage: An Insight through the VRIO Framework”, 19th National and International Conference of Hellenic Society of Systemic Studies: Systemic Digital Transformation in Contemporary Business Ecosystems, 11-14 October 2023, Piraeus, Greece.
- Katsanakis, I., Zouni, G. & Stasinou, D. (2023). “Contemporary digital marketing and tourism destination management tools in Greek tourism destinations: A qualitative approach” EMAC Regional Conference, 27-29 September 2023, Piraeus, Greece.
- Stroumpoulis, A., Katsanakis I. & Kopanaki, E. (2023). “The Use of Digital Technologies in a Common Data Space and Sustainable Development Context: A Conceptual Framework Focus on Smart Hospitality”, Presented at the International Conference on Tourism (ICOT2023): “Innovative Sustainable Practices in Travel and Tourism: Recovery and Resilience”, 21-24 June 2023, Nicosia, Cyprus.
- Katsanakis, I. (2022). “Evaluating Information Technologies / Information Systems (IT/IS) within a strategic business context”, Presented at 18th National & International HSSS Conference: “The Value of Systemic Thinking in Our VUCA World”, 15-17 December 2022, Athens, Greece.
- Katsanakis, I. (2022). “Employees’ Job Satisfaction in the Healthcare Sector in Greece”, Presented at 18th National & International HSSS Conference: “The Value of Systemic Thinking in Our VUCA World”, 15-17 December 2022, Athens, Greece.
- Katsanakis, I. (2021). “A process based approach for the evaluation of information systems: A qualitative approach”, Presented at 11th EUS International Congress & 17th National & International HSSS Conference: “Systemic Design Thinking for Creativity”, 06-09 October 2021, Athens, Greece.
- Katsanakis, I. (2021). “Employees’ Motivation in the Healthcare Sector in Greece”, Presented at 11th EUS International Congress & 17th National & International HSSS Conference: “Systemic Design Thinking for Creativity”, 06-09 October 2021, Athens, Greece.
- Katsanakis, I. & Bampa, V. (2021). “The Application of Lean Management Methodology in Contemporary Business Management: A Qualitative Approach”, Presented at 11th EUS International Congress & 17th National & International HSSS Conference: “Systemic Design Thinking for Creativity”, 06-09 October 2021, Athens, Greece.
- Katsanakis, I. (2019). “Decision Making Process in Strategic Information Systems: The Use of Fuzzy Cognitive Maps”, Presented at 15th National & International HSSS Conference: “Systemics and Business Intelligence”, 29-30 November 2019, University of Piraeus, Piraeus, Greece.
- Katsanakis, I. (2017). “Business Excellence Models and Information Systems Evaluation Models: A comparative approach”, Presented at 13th National & International HSSS Conference: “Systemic Organizational Excellence”, 2-3 June 2017, University of Peloponnese, Sparta, Greece.
- Katsanakis, I., Vorria, E., Skotis, A. (2015). “Does COBIT 5 constitute a new Business Excellence Model?”, Presented at 11th National & International HSSS Conference: “Systemics and Health Care”, 10-12 July, 2015, Athens, Greece.
- Katsanakis, I., Georgopoulos, N., Sfakianakis, M., (2014). “Using Process Assessment Models in the Evaluation of Information Systems”, Presented at 10th National & International HSSS Conference: “Systemic Entrepreneurship: Innovations, Business, Growth”, 29-31 May, 2014, Athens, Greece.
- Katsanakis, I., Kossyva, D., (2013). “Implications of Games Theory in a C-Business Context”, Presented at International Conference on Applied Business and Economics (ICABE) 2013, 2-4 October, 2013, Manhattan, New York, USA.
- Kossyva, D., Sarri, K., Katsanakis, I., Georgopoulos, N., (2013). “Co-opetition: A Business Strategy for Overcoming Economic Crisis?”, Presented at International Conference on Applied Business and Economics (ICABE) 2013, 2-4 October, 2013, Manhattan, New York, USA.
- Katsanakis, I., Georgopoulos, N., Sfakianakis, M., (2013). “The COBIT Framework: A Systemic Approach for the Evaluation of Information Systems”, Presented at 9th National & International HSSS Conference: “Systemics for Process Cohesion”, 11-13 July, 2013, Volos, Greece.
- Tasolamprou, A., Katsanakis, I., Georgopoulos, N. (2013). “E-Business and CRM Strategy: The case of FMCG companies in Greece”, Presented at 9th National & International HSSS Conference: “Systemics for Process Cohesion”, 11-13 July, 2013, Volos, Greece.
- Skotis, A., Katsanakis, I., Macris, A., Sfakianakis, M., (2013). “Creating Knowledge within a C- Business Context: A Customer Knowledge Management View”, Presented at I3E 2013: 12th IFIP conference on e-Business, e-Services, and e-Society, 25-26 April, 2013, Athens, Greece.
- Kostis, I., Basios, M., Chimos, K., Karvounidis, T., Douligeris, C., Katsanakis, I., (2012). “A Web
3.0 Mashup to promote the e-learning platform ‘Unibook’”, 11th European Conference on e- Learning (ECEL-2012), 26-27 October 2012, Groningen, The Netherlands. - Chimos, K., Karvounidis, T., Katsanakis, I., Douligeris, C., (2012). “IP.AD.: An Integrated Project Management and Instructional Systems Development Model for e-Learning”, 16th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI 2012), 5-7 October 2012, Piraeus, Greece.
- Chimos, K., Karvounidis, T., Douligeris, C., Bassios, M., Kostis, I., Katsanakis, I., Botsikas, A., (2012). “UnibookSE: An innovative environment for life-long learning”, 15th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL), 26 – 28 September 2012, Villach, Austria.
- Katsanakis, I., (2012). “Strategic Information Systems: A Strategic Management and Systems Theory Approach”, 8th National & International HSSS Conference: “Systems Approach to Strategic Management”, 5-7 July, 2012, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Katsanakis, I., Chimos, K., Sfakianakis, M., (2012). “Evaluating Information Systems: Core Concepts, Approaches and Models”, 8th National & International HSSS Conference: “Systems Approach to Strategic Management”, 5-7 July, 2012, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Katsanakis, I., Varelas, S., Chimos, K., Georgopoulos, N., (2012). “Social Networks & Leadership: Towards Leadership 2.0”, 8th National & International HSSS Conference: “Systems Approach to Strategic Management”, 5-7 July, 2012, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Dede, S., Katsanakis, I., Sfakianakis, M., (2012). “New Public Management: The Role of HR and ICTs. The case of Greece”, 8th National & International HSSS Conference “Systems Approach to Strategic Management”, 5-7 July 2012, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Chimos, K., Karvounidis, T., Douligeris, C., Basios, M., Kostis, I., Katsanakis, I., (2012). “Mashing up Unibook: Architecture and Implementation of a mashup service for the promotion of eLearning web 2 platform”, 8th National & International HSSS Conference “Systems Approach to Strategic Management”, 5-7 July 2012, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Katsanakis, I., Kossyva, D., (2012). “C-Business: A Theoretical Framework for the implementation of Co-opetition Strategy in E-Business”, 8th International Strategic Management Conference: “New Opportunities for Global Collaboration & Strategic Alliances in the Era of New Normal”, 21-23 June 2012, Barcelona, Spain.
- Varelas, S., Georgopoulos, N., Katsanakis, I., (2011). “Greek Tourism under crisis-strategies, and the way out”, International Conference: Rethinking Business and Business Education in the Age of Crisis, 20-22 October 2011, Chios Island, Greece.
- Katsanakis, I., Kossyva, D., Vorria, E., (2011). “Co-opetition Strategy in Business Excellence: Confronting the Economic Crisis”, 14th QMOD-ICQSS Conference on Quality and Service Sciences, 29-31 August 2011, San Sebastian, Spain.
- Kossyva, D., Katsanakis, I., Georgopoulos, N., Sfakianakis, M., (2011). “Value Creation and Value Appropriation through C-Business”, 7th National and International Conference of Hellenic Society for Systemic Studies (HSSS), Professional Systemics in Action, 4-7 May 2011, Athens, Greece.
- Katsanakis, J., Himos, K., (2010). “Web 2.0 Trends’ Business Applications: Creating Competitive Advantage”, 6th National and International Conference of Hellenic Society for Systemic Studies (HSSS), Systemic Approaches in Social Structures, 23-26 June 2011, Mytilene, Greece.
- Μαύρου, Μ.-Ε., Κατσανάκης, Ι., (2010). “Εφαρμογή Συστημικών Μεθοδολογιών στο Σχεδιασμό, στην Υλοποίηση και στην Ανάλυση Υποκαταστήματος Εμπορικής Επιχείρησης Αφορολόγητων Ειδών”, 6o Εθνικό και Διεθνές Συνέδριο της Ελληνικής Εταιρείας Συστημικών Μελετών (ΕΕΣΣ), 23-26 Ιουνίου 2011, Μυτιλήνη, Ελλάδα.
- Επιμέλεια επιμέρους ενοτήτων στο “Εγχειρίδιο Οργανωσιακής Μάθησης και Διαχείρισης Γνώσης” (2017) Easterby-Smith M. & Lyles M.A., Εκδόσεις BROKEN HILL PUBLISHERS LTD, ISBN: 9789963274673.
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- Τρίτη: 13:00-15:00, 17:00-18:00
- Τετάρτη: 15:00-16:00
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