[:el]Πανεπιστήμιο Πειραιώς Τμήμα Τουριστικών Σπουδών[:en]Department Of Tourism Studies University Of Pireaus[:]

Benefits and Services for Students

The online application of the Electronic Secretariat operates at the address sis-portal.unipi.gr. From this application, students have the possibility to: a) be informed about the courses of the curriculum, the faculty, etc., b) submit registration statements and course statements for each semester, c) be informed for the grade in the courses that have been examined, d) to receive certificates of attendance immediately and in electronic form. Access to this application is made through the personal codes.

The basic infrastructure for remote communication with students and the organization of the educational process (educational material, assignments, exercises, etc.) is the eClass Asynchronous Distance Learning platform of each Academic Department. On the Department’s asynchronous education platform (Open eclass) each student can find the additional educational material that each teacher has developed and posted, communicate with him/her and submit assignments or exercises that have been posted. Apart from the use of the above distance education platform, the Department also uses other distance communication and education tools, such as Microsoft Teams, Cisco Webex Meetings, etc.

Each member of the Department and the University is invited to activate their Institutional Account through the uregister.unipi.gr service. As many services use Single Sign On (certification through an institutional account) to connect the user, this is done with the user name (username) and the password (password) that the user will create when registering for this service. More information can be found here.

The EVDOXOS service is an Electronic Integrated Document Management Service. It provides students with immediate and comprehensive access to the textbooks of their curriculum and offers: a) full information on the textbooks provided in each course, b) the possibility of immediate receipt of the textbooks and c) access to free e-books and notes. The process of distributing newsletters is automated, with multiple advantages for all members involved.

The University of Piraeus actively participates in the Erasmus+ program for higher education and, aiming at its European orientation, continues its efforts for a better and more substantial development of partnerships. The actions of the program concerns European cooperation in the field of higher education and in particular includes: organized student exchanges for identifiable periods of study and practice, the academic credit transfer system (ECTS), mobility and exchanges of teaching and administrative staff, language preparation students etc. More information about the Erasmus+ Program can be found here.

The Internship program is for students who wish to find themselves in real working conditions and at organizations and businesses that wish to make use of students and teach them how they work. The Internship connects academic knowledge to the workplace. Through the Internship, students have the opportunity to test in practice what they learn theoretically in the university classrooms. They can develop their work skills, apply their knowledge in the workplace and explore their career prospects. Gaining work experience helps them in their effective orientation, so that they can choose the professional direction that suits them best. More information about the Internship can be found here.

The Career Office of the University of Piraeus was founded in 1997 with funding from the EPEAEC program within the framework of the 2nd CSF and continues to operate within the framework of the NSRF. Its main objective is the multifaceted support of students/graduates for their smooth integration into the labor market and for a successful career. It promotes the development of dynamic partnerships and the service of four poles, the Students & Graduates of the University, the Teaching & Research Staff of the University, Businesses, public and private bodies and organizations and Secondary Education. More information can be found here.

The National Network of Technology and Research Infrastructures (grnet.gr) is a technological organization that provides network and computing services to academic and research institutions, to educational institutions of all levels and to institutions of the public, wider public and private sectors. It is responsible for the promotion and dissemination of the applications of network and computing technologies as well as for the promotion and implementation of the goals of Digital Transformation. It thus supports the educational and research activity of the country, for the development of applied and technological research in matters of telecommunication networks and computing services. Services offered through EDYTE and used by the Piraeus University community are the following:

More information can be found here.

The Library of the University of Piraeus is housed in the basement of the Central Building and has more than 55,000 volumes of books, 180 foreign language magazine titles and 165 Greek magazines. It also provides full electronic access to more than 6,000 scientific journals through the HEAL-Link Hellenic Network of Academic Libraries. The scientific journals and books mainly cover the areas of interest of the Academic Departments of the University. The collection includes various publications by private and public organizations with reports and statistics, as well as audio-visual material on CD ROM and DVD, which are constantly being enriched. All undergraduate and postgraduate students, faculty members have the right to register in the register of users of the University Library. and the Technical and Research Staff of the University. The main services of the Library are: a) Provision of lending and inter-lending services, b) Guidance and provision of bibliographic information to users, c) Management of printed and non-print material orders, d) Thematic processing and classification of material according to international standards, e) Access to material of the European Union, through the European Documentation Center, f) Cooperation services with other Greek libraries through the “Hermes” Network. More information can be found here.

The University of Piraeus Counseling Center (SY.KE.PP.) was founded in 1995 and functions as a meeting, support, communication and intervention space. The staff of the Counseling Center, recognizing the specificity of the difficulties that students may face, negotiate issues that are important for everyone and concern: a) Active learning, b) Successful adaptation to new needs and requirements, c) Social skills, relationships and family , d) Dealing with stressful situations, e) Prevention and Health, f) Ways of creative expression and entertainment, g) Development of skills necessary for a successful course. More information can be found here.

The Student Care Department provides information to students on: a) Food, b) Housing, c) Housing allowance, d) Health cover, e) European insurance card. More information can be found here.

The Clinic provides primary health services to members of the University. It is fully equipped with medical equipment (cardiograph, defibrillator, oxygen, wheelchair, medicinal material for intravenous, intramuscular or oral treatment). More information can be found here.

Academic ID is mandatory for all registered students. It is issued after entering the address academicid.minedu.gov.gr using their personal codes and the submission of a relevant electronic application. The academic ID also functions as a student ticket (pass) that facilitates travel by means of public transport.

In addition to the above benefits, other benefits are offered to the students of the University. You will find a detailed list of benefits here.

In addition to the above electronic services, other electronic services are provided to the students of the University. You will find a detailed list of the electronic services provided here.